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Research Corner

Policy Briefs 2024

Lessons from Pakikipagkapwa:
Strengthening Philippine Anti-Discrimination Efforts For a More Inclusive Society

Maria Margarita Lavides, PhD
Vladimer Kobayashi, PhD
Cristabel Tiangco
Purisima Panlilio, PhD
Remi De Leon
Angela Carreon

Islamic Finance: Needed, Wanted, but Unavailable
How Can Government Promote Islamic Finance in the Philippines

Jane Lynn D. Capacio
Juan Carlos Rodriguez

Management and Policy Recommendations for the Improvement of
MPA Management in Miagao, Iloilo Philippines

Joshua M. Regalado

Artificial Intelligence and Marine Litter Monitoring and Tracking:
Investing in AI Technologies in the Philippines

Vladimer Kobayashi, PhD
Neil Angelo Abreo